FAQs About Healios What is Healios? What does Healios do? Who does Healios support? Is Healios available online? What types of clinicians work at Healios? Is Healios part of the NHS? Where is Healios based? Referrals and bookings How do I get referred to Healios? Does Healios take self-referrals? I’ve been referred to Healios but haven’t heard from you yet. What should I do? How do I book an appointment with Healios? Why do I have two appointments on the same day? How do I reschedule my appointment? Attending appointments How do I join my Healios appointment? Which web browser should I use for my appointment? My connection test has failed. What should I do? I can’t hear my clinician. What should I do? I can hear an echo. How do I fix this? Your Healios account I can’t remember my username. What should I do? I can’t remember my password. What should I do? I’m locked out of my account. What should I do? I haven’t received an activation email. What should I do? Contacting Healios I have a Healios account. What should I do if I have a question? I work for a healthcare organisation and would like to learn more about how Healios can support my service. Who should I contact? I’m interested in working at Healios. How can I reach your Talent team? I have a question about Healios. How do I get in touch?